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Public Health operations and processes

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Data governance and Data managenement strategy for the public health sector

Data governance and data management in public health are essential for handling and using health-related data effectively. The academic and professional communities recognize the importance of data science and big data management in decision-making for societal improvements (IJSRA, 2023). However, the retention and use of health-related data by various actors can exacerbate existing inequalities in healthcare systems (Shaw & Sekalala, 2023). In the context of public health emergencies like COVID-19, data governance plays a crucial role in preventing and responding to major risks (Wang & al, 2021). Understanding how health data is managed by dedicated infrastructures called data hubs is important for facilitating data sharing and reuse in health research (Alvarez-Romero & al, 2023). Enabling researchers' access to health data can accelerate improvements in clinical practice and public health, but it must be balanced with protecting the rights and interests of data subjects and other stakeholders (Shabani & al, 2021).

1. IJSRA (2023). Technical Review: Key concepts of health database management for public health workforce development in resource-limited settings. International Journal of Science and Research Archive,  doi: 10.30574/ijsra.2023.9.2.0526

2. James, Shaw., Sharifah, Sekalala. (2023). Health data justice: building new norms for health data governance. npj digital medicine,  doi: 10.1038/s41746-023-00780-4

3. Zhiyao, Wang., Xiaofang, Shi., Honglin, Li. (2021). Difficulties and solutions for public health data governance under the normalization of epidemic prevention and control.   doi: 10.1088/1755-1315/692/3/032045

4. Alvarez-Romero C, Rodríguez-Mejias S, Parra-Calderón CL. Desiderata for the Data Governance and FAIR Principles Adoption in Health Data Hubs. Stud Health Technol Inform. 2023 Jun 29;305:164-167. doi: 10.3233/SHTI230452. PMID: 37386986.

5. Mahsa, Shabani., Adrian, Thorogood., Madeleine, J, Murtagh. (2021). Data Access Governance.   doi: 10.1017/9781108620024.023

Based on so much challenges and issues in the public helth sector, Datastratege expert think that Data governance framework is a must-have for a relevant data life cycle management taking into account final users needs.....