Welcome to our Academic operations, processing, and Data Engineering universe
Finally, Data can hide, reveal, breathe, sweat, dissemble, tell stories that are both constructive and destructive if you don't do it properly....
Academic and educational data have become increasingly important in the field of education, especially with the advancements in information and communication technologies. These data have the potential to transform education into a personalized experience that meets the needs of individual students [1]. Learning analytics and educational data mining are research fields that focus on analyzing and extracting valuable information from educational data [2]. The use of data in education has the potential to improve policymaking, management of educational institutions, and pedagogical approaches [3]. Academic analytics and educational data mining can provide insights for course redesign, assessments, and communication between instructors and students [4]. However, there are challenges in terms of data accessibility, privacy, and ethics that need to be addressed [5]. It is important to ensure transparency, ethics, and individuals' rights when accessing educational data . A multidisciplinary approach is required to deploy technological ecosystems that support online training and define strategies for uncertain scenarios . Get started now with 30 mn Data Caoaching.....
The tools are part of the solution but not the solution themselves. It is therefore an approach that prioritizes expertise, experience, technical and managerial know-how, agility, rigor and the scientific curiosity that drives us at Datastratege.
2. Solving performance problems linked to the education system requires re-engineering the operations, processes, skills of the overall system.
The diversified expertise of our collaborators expresses our vision of excellence in digitalization and organizational process engineering. Without forgetting the quality of our support, after-sales services and our loyalty system. Finally, our clients are well suported in setting up system integrating optimally designed processes.
Datastratege proposes and supports two great and complementary digital solutions for School and/or universities:
Datastratege Academy: (Data Science, Applied Technologies and AI): in agreement with our partners (ESIH, ULaval), this Digital solution reinvents the learning and teaching process around Research labs, Master degree, Business and international market certifications.
Let'us then browse our academic digital solutions key functionalities....